粗碎机用途Use of crusher 本机适用食品、制药、化工治金等行业,对坚硬易碎加工前道工序的配套设备。它不受物料粘度,硬度难粉碎的物料进行加工包括对塑料、钢丝等进行粉碎,也能作为软度及纤维等限制对任何物料都能起到较好的粉碎效果。 The machine is suitable for food, pharmaceutical, chemical industry and other industries, hard and fragile processing of the supporting equipment before the process.It is not subject to the viscosity of the material, hardness of the material for grinding, including plastic, steel wire and so on for grinding, but also as a soft and fiber restrictions on any material can play a better crushing effect. 粗碎机工作原理Working principle of crusher 本机为卧式粉碎结构,物料由进料斗进入粉碎室,利用旋转刀与固定刀冲击、剪切而获得粉碎,经旋转离心力的作用,物料自动流向出口。该机按GMP标准设计+加机型采用不锈钢制作,结构简单清理方便噪音低,目前是粗碎破碎中较理想的设备。 The machine is a horizontal grinding structure, the material from the feed hopper into the crushing chamber, the use of rotary knife and fixed knife impact, shear and get grinding, by the role of rotating centrifugal force, the material automatically flow to the export.This machine is designed according to GMP standard and is made of stainless steel with simple structure and low noise. 粗碎机技术参数Technical parameters of coarse crusher 型号Model XJT-CS300 XJT-CS500 加工产量Processing output 50-300(kg/h) 100-500(kg/h) 进料粒度Feed size ≦50(mm) ≦50(mm) 粉碎粒度Crushing size 2-20(mm) 2-20(mm) 主轴转速Spindle speed 5000(r/min) 5000(r/min) 电机功率Motor power 3(kw) 5(kw) 电压/频率Voltage/frequency(v/hz) 380V/50HZ 380V/50HZ 重量(约)Weight 150(kg) 200(kg) 外型尺寸长*宽*高Outside dimension length * width * height( 650*700*1200mm) 720*850*1350mm) 刀数量Number of knives 6把定刀1把定刀6 setters 1 setter